
Stories to help Haiti earthquake victims

haiti-e-book-coverNo Man & Other Stories to Help Haiti is a charity eBook of short stories by Little, Brown authors, with all proceeds going to UNICEF to help children affected by the disaster. When my editor asked me if I would like to contribute a story, I was in a writing frenzy, days away from the final deadline for Dreamrunner, and so I sent in a story I’d already written, The Kielius Fish.


On publication day, which marked 100 days since the earthquake, I downloaded No Man along with the Adobe e-reading software and I’m now enjoying the first eBook I’ve ever owned! It’s great to have it just a click away while I play around with half-written poems or catch up on emails, and I’ve been dipping into it while the baby naps. There are some wonderful stories in there, all very different from each other. If you’d like a copy, just click on the book cover.

4 Responses to “Stories to help Haiti earthquake victims”

  1. Patricia, September 16, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    I’m curious to read your story. Although my comment isn’t primarily to the eBook short stories. I just read “Breathing in colour” and loved it! I wanted to let you and your readers know how I enjoyed the the book. What a great writer you are! I cannot wait to go to India to feel and experience what Alida and Mia felt! The smells and colours, the heat! Thank you for the good moments you’ve given me!
    Love Patricia

  2. Clare Jay, September 17, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Hi Patricia,

    I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed Breathing in Colour! And I hope you’ll love India when you go there. My brother just got back from another trip there and has seen some amazing places high in the mountains, lots of Budddhist temples, fluttering prayer flags, snowy peaks… It made me long to go there again myself. Maybe you’ll enjoy Dreamrunner (out in November) if you liked the first novel, although it’s a very different book, I think.


  3. Lucy, October 5, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    Hi Clare,

    Was really lovely to bump into you today – I’ve just ordered Breathing in Colour – sounds great – am reading another book about India now (Shantaram). Can’t wait to read yours! I feel so inspired after looking at your website as I’ve always wanted to write. Seeing you and looking at your website has made me realise maybe one day I will! Right now, studying full time with two kids is a tad time consuming but when I am working I am definitely going to try and give it a go….so thank you.

    Love Lucy

  4. Clare Jay, October 13, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    Hi Lucy,
    lovely to see you again too after all these years! It’s really nice to hear that seeing my website and ordering Breathing in Colour has made you feel inspired to write, definitely go for it when you get the chance, there’s so much to discover with creative writing, it’s endless, and endlessly interesting, too. I know exactly what you mean about it being hard to find time what with taking care of kids too… even though I only have one little one, she fills all the spaces. But I’ve just set up a workshop with a few enticingly blank canvasses and lots of magical materials because I am determined to do some painting and collaging, I really need to work with colours and textures again. It’s going to be fun seeing what emerges and I’m sure it’ll feed into my writing life too. Good luck with all your stuff and hope you enjoy the novel!

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